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Practical Fire Drill In Plastic Mold Factory

Aug. 03, 2023

In order to effectively improve the fire safety awareness of all employees and improve their self-rescue and self-protection capabilities, on June 5, Zhuhai Jingmu Co., Ltd. organized a fire drill for all employees of the mold manufacturing plant and plastic injection molding processing plant.

Practical Fire Drill In Plastic Mold Factory

Before the drill, the administrative person in charge explained the emergency response plan for the fire scene, the principle, basic operation method and precautions of fire extinguishers.

Practical Fire Drill In Plastic Mold Factory

After listening to the lecture and observing carefully, a drill was carried out. Every employee personally experienced how to use a fire extinguisher correctly, and quickly extinguished the thick smoke and fire ignited by the fire according to the steps and methods of fire extinguishing. To protect the safety of employees, Jingmu Company must equip employees with basic fire protection knowledge and master the use of fire extinguishers proficiently, laying a solid foundation for fire safety work.

Practical Fire Drill In Plastic Mold Factory

Practical Fire Drill In Plastic Mold Factory